Unlock the Power of Electronic Money.
Apply for EMI License
Our EMI Licensing Services are tailored to help businesses obtain electronic money institution licenses. We provide expert guidance and support to streamline the licensing process, ensuring compliance with financial regulations. Trust us to simplify your path to becoming a licensed EMI.
Operating in the UK, EU & UAE.
Contact us:
Headquarters of SANDJAR GROUP:
SANDJAR GROUP Business Consortium
(Dubai Mainland Front Office)
S M Management Consultancies Co.
Address: IBN BATUTA Gate Offices
Business Center, Office 57, 11th Floor,
PO Box 72800, Dubai, UAE
T: +971 50 154 65 71
W: www.sandjargroup.com

Regional OfficeS:

UAE, UK, USA, China, Germany, France, Spain, Czech Republik, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, South Korea, and other regions and countries